Leadership in Learning Communities
Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession
Since I graduated high school in 2019, I have been mentoring my former high school’s FIRST® robotics team, Saints Bot #4688, which I was also student on throughout all four years of high school. Through this mentoring experience, I have been able to not only grow my knowledge and skills of technology and managing a team, but it has primarily given me the chance to teach students about the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), business, and more.
The FIRST FRC program is such a fantastic program that gives high school students the opportunity to build a competition robot, gain business schools by gathering funds from sponsorships and planning fundraisers, but it also allows students to gain teamwork skills, which are so incredibly important in the world.
I can safely say that being a part of the team when I was in high school gave me most of the skills that I use today, and was part of what made me decide to become a teacher in the first place, because as a student lead on the team, I had the chance to teach other students while I was still in high school, and I loved being able to do that.
I plan to coach and mentor as many clubs, teams, and organizations that I can as a teacher because I know first hand how valuable and important they can be to students.