Professional Knowledge
Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession
I am a very tech-savvy person, which was one of my driving forces to become a teacher in Communications Technology. I loved my technology classes in high school and loved the idea of teaching students in the subject area as I hope to get students as excited about it as I was and still am to this day.
Although I still need to work on my professional knowledge about the curriculum, teaching practices, etc. since I am still in Teacher’s College, I do have some professional knowledge in the technology field which I can take with me to my classroom. A good example of this is my skills in web design. I have been designing websites for a few years now, and although I do not call myself a pro, I do believe I have enough skills to effectively teach students about the subject area.
An example you can take a look at is a website I helped to create for a high school robotics team that I mentor: