Professional Practice
Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession
The professional practice that I have gained thus far would be my two practicum placements in Fall 2021 and Spring 2022.
For my Fall 2021 placement, I was in a Business Technology class (BTT1O), and during my second practicum I was in a learning support room. For this article I will focus on my first practicum placement.
I really enjoyed the learning experience I had during my first practicum placement and I was able to gain a lot of experience in the five short weeks that I was there. Outside of the business technology course, I also assisted my associate teacher with learning support, which also involved learning a lot about Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) and learning about the processes of how to help students recover lost credits. This part of the practicum was invaluable as most placements do not offer that kind of learning and exposure to that side of education, and I was very grateful to be able to learn as much as I could about that.
As for the business technology course, I really liked the students I had in the classroom as they made the whole experience very fun, for both themselves and myself. I used Mentimeter presentations for most of my lessons, which I quickly learned that the students loved because it allowed them to actively participate in the lessons, which regular PowerPoints do not let you do. Without having learned this information, I may not have used interactive presentations for my lessons at my other practicum placement, which would have made my students miss out on more engaging lessons that helped them learn even more than they normally would.
Below you can find links to various Mentimeter presentations that I created for some lessons, as well as some of the handouts that I created for these lessons: