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Personal Finance Lesson

Spring Practicum 2022

During my spring 2022 practicum placement, I had the opportunity to teach a few lessons in a credit recovery class (GLE2O). This was an interesting opportunity because it was not like a standard classroom where you have a group of students learning one subject focused on the same topic each day, but rather this classroom gave students the opportunity to catch up on their work from other classes, as well as learn basic life skills that they can take with them after they graduate from high school.

One of the lessons that I chose to do was on personal finance. This is a topic that is not discussed very much in schools, which I think should be addressed more. For the lesson, I used a Mentimeter presentation to go over the content and teach the actual lesson, while keeping the students as engaged as possible, which was a little difficult in a credit recovery class.

Overall, the lesson went well and the students seemed fairly interested in the lesson. The younger students didn’t seem to follow along quite as well as the older students, which, looking back on it, makes sense and will be taken as a learning opportunity for me, but overall the students were engaged and enjoyed the class activity of creating a personal budget together as a group.

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